Apprentice of the year

by Katherine Hindhaugh

Nicholas Scorer, an Engineering apprentice at CMP has been awarded TDR Training’s Apprentice of the Year

TDR Training coordinators were asked to nominate any students who have excelled and stood out throughout their apprenticeship. Peter McGarrell, a coordinator for CMP put forward Nicholas, recognising him for his tenacity, commitment, and enthusiasm.

Nicholas said:

“I am currently undergoing a Level 3 NVQ Extended Diploma in Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering. I am now in the final year of my four-year course and have enjoyed every second of it as I have learnt not only about the practical area of the industry but the academic side too.”

When asked how it felt to be awarded Apprentice of the Year Nicholas said: ” It feels really great to receive the award as it shows that my hard work has been recognised by others throughout my company.

” My advice to other apprentices is to stick in, whether its academically or practically as your effort will be rewarded. An example of this is due to my hard work I gained good BTEC grades. This then gave me the opportunity to do further education (Level 4 HNC) which I am currently nearly finished.

Nicholas is very happy with his employer and said:

“My favourite thing about CMP is being able to go into work and just crack on with my job and whenever I am unsure about something, there is always someone there to give me advice.”

When asked how he found TDR’s recruitment process and how he finds working with his assessor Peter, he said:

“The process has been great, from the recruitment stage to the support I have had throughout the apprenticeship. I have always had strong communication with my assessor and have always been kept up to date. Peter has also been great to help me near the completion of my OneFile work, always being there for advice and pointing me in the right direction.”

Nicholas’s manager Peter Hewitt went on to say:

“Nicholas is now a vital member of our shop floor team. He has developed into a really good machinist and his attitude towards his work is excellent. I have no doubt that he could have a really good career with CMP if he keeps up the good work.”

We asked his assessor Peter what made him nominate Nicholas and he said:

“Whenever I see Nicholas he is always smiling and enthusiastic to learn. He asks lots of questions which are relevant to the job, and he also completed all his OneFile work on time and to a good standard. When I see him on the shop floor, I can tell he is liked, and that CMP are pleased with his progress and work ethic.”

TDR Training would like to congratulate Nicholas on becoming Apprentice of the Year, his determination, work ethic and eagerness to learn are real assets to him.

We wish Nicholas continued success in the future!