TDR Ofsted Report

In March 2020, TDR underwent an inspection by OFSTED and their report (as well as their previous reports from 2013 and 2015) are available to read using the links at the bottom of this page.

We received a grading of ‘Good’ across all strands of the inspection and the summary of the report is as follows:

  • Engineering & Science Apprenticeships benefit from a good range of practical resources and well-equipped classrooms
  • Outstanding partnerships and employer engagement result in the curriculum meeting local, regional, employers and apprentices needs
  • Apprentices develop very good skills, which help them to enjoy their work and develop their self-confidence, resulting in them achieving sustainable employment
  • Particularly good support, care and attention for apprentices enable a high proportion to make good progress in achieving their qualification and career goals
  • As a result of good on-the-job training, coaching and assessment, a very large majority of current apprentices make good or better progress
  • The proportion of apprentices successfully completing their qualification has improved quickly and is now good



>> View or download the TDR OFSTED Independent Learning Provider Report Dec 2021 (PDF)

>> View or download the TDR OFSTED Independent Learning Provider Report Dec 2015 (PDF)

>> View or download the TDR OFSTED Learning & Skills Inspection Report 2013 (PDF)

>> View or download the TDR OFSTED Work-Based Learning Inspection Report 2008 (PDF)