TDR Training Apprenticeship Awards

by Katherine Hindhaugh

TDR Training welcomed the September 2022 intake of apprentices to begin their training with TDR in our new training facility.

The September intake was made up of 6 different rotations, each focusing on a different engineering discipline. The following disciplines were Electrical, Mechanical, Welding, Turning, Milling and Bench fitting. Each section lasted five weeks.

After the 5-week rotation we asked tutors to nominate an apprentice of the rotation. This individual must have shown motivation, discipline, and initiative and must have impressed the tutor.


Oliver Common from Lynemouth was selected as the Electrical apprentice of the rotation by his tutor and this is what the tutor had to say: “Oliver always produced a great standard of work. He managed to always follow instructions well. I have no doubt in the future rotations he will continue to do great. Well done, Oliver!”


Lauren Robinson from Rotary Power was selected as Milling apprentice of the rotation by her tutor, and this is what the tutor had to say: “Lauren was motivated during her section with me. She showed initiative and was always on time. She also asked every time she was unsure. Lauren also wasn’t intimidated due to her being one of the only girls on her section”


Elliot Thompson from Millers excelled in the Welding rotation and is now back in company with the skills he developed. He was apprentice of the rotation, and this is what his tutor had to say: “Elliott was able to demonstrate great skills within the Welding section. He progressed the best within the class and was able to pick things up quickly.”


Cameron Patel from Michell Bearings was selected as the Mechanical apprentice of the rotation, and this is what his tutor had to say: ‘Cameron is a really hard-working individual. He listens well to instructions and always produces a good standard of work.”


Rhys Scott from Express Engineering really impressed his tutor on the Bench fitting with his practical skills and his ability to follow instructions without distraction. His tutor nominated him as apprentice of the rotation and said that: ‘Rhys showed great practical knowledge. He listened when needed and produced some excellent work. Well done, Rhys!”


Johna Radravu from Bel Engineering received apprentice of the rotation for the Turning section. His tutor said: ‘Johna always turns up and is motivated to work and improve. He has initiative he asks questions he also asked if there were any extra courses, he could attend. He also showed the most improvement within the section.’


Well done to those who received apprentice of the rotation, the next apprentices of the rotation will be nominated after December’s rotation. We can’t wait to see how all apprentices progress during their journey with TDR Training!